"And if a man take a wife and her mother, it is wickedness: they shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; that there be no wickedness among you."This is a good example of the strength of the law of Moses, and the need to worship logic.
The strength of the law of Moses
As noted elsewhere, the law of Moses is based on equal power for all, and great flexibility. The exact laws are mere details. It's all about community.
But that's all fine in theory. The fact is that Moses' laws were either not followed at all, or were twisted into a supernatural travesty. People will do that do they can. So it means religion is the problem. Right?
This is where logic comes in.
Without economic justice (such as the law of Moses provides) the exact laws don't really matter. To single out a religious state is inconsistent. Modern America has very good laws in theory, but still burns people alive in electric chairs, tortures people though decades in solitary confinement, turns a blind eye to prison rape, and gives justice depending on wealth. Is that so much better?
But still, religions have a tendency to go bad and kill people for their beliefs. Atheist states don't do that, right?
"Estimates of the total number all Christian martyrs in the former Soviet Union are about 12 million.” (James M. Nelson, “Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality”, p.427)If we want to restrict our search to just burning people alive for their beliefs, we could note that the atheist North Korean leader burnt his enemies alive because they did not have the correct political beliefs (in Pyongyang's 150,000-capacity May Day Stadium, reported in the Daily Telegraph, 13 June 2004).
Of course, we could then play "No True Scotsman" and say the Soviet Union and North Korea were/are not true atheist states To which a supernatural believer could say anybody who burns witches is not a true Christian. None of this gets us any closer to solving the problem of bad laws.
The only logical solution I can find is to devise a logically optimal political system, based on a logically optimal economic system. On my Answers Answers site I argue that the land laws of Moses (as updated by Jesus' rent laws) provide us with exactly that. On this site I argue that the real problem is pour supernatural assumptions. We have a rational solution to all our problems in front of us, and we can't see it because we have been taught to see the words as the opposite of what they say.
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